Saturday 12 May 2018

EU weaponises Eire NI border to sabotage Brexit but there is a simple solution

I was pleased to hear Portillo on \This Week  articulate the same obvious solution to the NI EU manufactured border non problem that   I wrote in this blog some time ago.Let the EU and their silly  Mick allies impose border controls on goods on their side of the border if they wish. On the NI side we will have no such controls and it will be an open border with free movement of goods from Eire into NI. Like Portillo I say what is the problem in our doing this? I look forward to hearing from Major Major and his pal Bookend Booker what the snag is that Portillo and I have missed.

Major Major was in Joseph Heller's book Catch22..This Catch 22 was that you could only get out of the military by claiming insanity but by so doing you proved you were clearly sane. Some catch with a close resemblance to leaving the EU and Hotel California,. you can check out but you can never leave.


Niall Warry said...

So with your plan their goods arrive in NI unrestricted because we trust the EU system of goods verification while all our goods get checked as the EU doesn;t want to let in any goods that don'r meet thier standards.

So the EU is OK but we are screwed - sounds like a great plan Eric.

Eric Edmond said...

In a free market people buy the goods they want. Nothing to do with the EU. Its called the wisdom of the crowd in some books. Sorry Major but the PBI are right most times. No need for officer corps or elites

Niall Warry said...

This has nothing to do with a 'class' issue and it matters not what the people want our country, whether in the EU or not, still has following trading rules, regulations, pay costa and abide by an adjudication process.

You are surprisingly slow on the uptake Private 'first class' Edmond you really need to concentrate more and listen to the wise voices of your suoeriors !!! :-)

Niall Warry said...

That should clearly have been 'superiors'.

Eric Edmond said...

Portillo when he was Defence Sec was your superior. Showa bit of respectMajor

Niall Warry said...

Why should I show the great Portaloo any respect when he funked his challenge to Thatcher and now minces his way across our TV screens taking endless train journeys around this country and the world?